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Every gear is an upgrade, every gadget a level-up. 

Essential is always the base – the foundation on which everything is built.

This is (just) the beginning.

The base.suit is sportive, in design and fit. It's available in 15 sizes, for both men and women. Right or left-handed. For everyone. Shaped without being constricting. Especially in a seated position, when elbows and knees need room to move. Its look makes clear: there’s something going on. And then there are the gadgets...

eSports need eWear, Gaming & Streaming, Hardware für eSport, eWear

Wear it. Feel it.

Ready for Gaming.

Hardware für eSport, eWear, eSport Hoodie, Bekleidung für Gamer

(base.suit + gadgets) x dedication = by eWear - focus.hood, air.2.flow by eWear - air.2.flow, controlling.arm by eWear - air.2.flow, swipe.2.dry


Clutch situation or streaming marathon? What you always need is good air circulation. It's about dissipating heat and regulating body temperature.
All of this is essential during your game. And air.2.flow ensures it.


Breathing sportswear.

eWear, eSport Hoodie, Bekleidung für Gamer, Gaming-Suit

The opaque panels are inserted from the back of the head down to the neck, under the arms and on the thighs. They are breathable and cooling. Without compromise.

Sportswear, eSport Gadgets, Sportbekleidung für Gamer, Gamer & Streamer, Hardware für eSport


Immerse yourself with the focus.hood – in your game, your space. Take the lead with maximum concentration at minimum distraction.

Sportbekleidung für Gamer, High-Performance-Sportbekleidung, eSports need eWear, Gaming & Streaming

Large. Stable. Comfortable.

The hood of the doesn't fall in, it holds up. It fits reliably and is uncompromisingly comfortable. It cools where it should – integrated air.2.flow makes it possible. And all this even when your headset is in place, delivering sounds and calls to your ears while you're in your game. This is focus.

eSports need eWear, Gaming & Streaming, Hardware für eSport, eWear


The game-changer for your arm on the mouse. Stabilizing, flexible, gliding. For optimized moves on the mouse pad. For the perfect flow.

One arm. One Zip.

Two possibilities.

Hardware für eSport, eWear, eSport Hoodie, Bekleidung für Gamer

When closed, it fits like a second skin – plus elastic and abrasion-resistant. There are no fabric folds or pressure points, also due to the renounced cuff.


When opened, it creates visual symmetry on both arms. The additional width allows air to circulate. Be prepared for your next round.

eSport Hoodie, Bekleidung für Gamer, Gaming-Suit, eSport Hose
High-Performance-Sportbekleidung, Sportswear, eSport Gadgets, Sportbekleidung für Gamer


eSport Gadgets, Sportbekleidung für Gamer, Gamer & Streamer, Hardware für eSport

A unique zipper, smooth-running with a locking mechanism.

So that everything stays where it should.

Smooth. So smooth.


Its weight is minimal. The high quality is perceptible with every pull.


When you fold the puller down, nothing wobbles or slips. That's why it's used on aiming.arm and trouser pockets.



Optimal support for your arm on the keyboard. This is the gadget with double padding. To keep you comfortable.


No pressure. Cause reinforced.

eSport, Gaming-Suit, Sportbekleidung für Gamer, High-Performance-Sportbekleidung

It's all about maximum comfort, no matter your play time. That's why the arm and wrist lie softly with no cuffs and no irritating seams. There are no folds, no pressure points. Just the best possible support in every position.


For wiping and drying your hands in milliseconds. In the middle of the game, whenever you need – just swipe to dry.

Function saves time.

High-Performance-Sportbekleidung, Sportswear, eSport Gadgets, Sportbekleidung für Gamer

The integrated wiping surface in the chest-shoulder-area and on the thighs offer space for your entire hand.

Naturally intuitive. Maximum time-saving.

For reliable grip on the mouse and keyboard. FTW

Gamer & Streamer, Hardware für eSport, eWear, Gaming-Suit


For nickname, teamname, eventname. With the name.tag you can create individual looks. As you like, without limits, for all your ideas.

Make it yours!

eWear, eSport, Gaming-Suit, Sportbekleidung für Gamer

Thanks to the high-quality velcro solution, you can make your personal statement. Structure-retaining, hard-wearing, always visible. Without attached patch, you show what you're wearing:


The warm-up for your hands. So that blood circulation remains optimal even during inactivity. Just as your reaction time in the game thereafter.

Sportswear, eSport Gadgets, Sportbekleidung für Gamer, Gamer & Streamer


For peak performance.

Warm muscles for fast moves – for maximum heat generation, the pocket has a full-length design. It also offers storage space with quick access. So that everything is ready to hand.

eSport Hoodie, eSport Hose, Gaming-Suit, eSport Gadgets, Sportswear, High-Performance-Sportbekleidung


Whether you're on the road at tournaments, a LAN or gaming at home, the mobile.pack is the valuable addition to your trouser pocket.

Tailored seat-comfort.

eSport, eWear, eSport Hoodie, Bekleidung für Gamer

In the expanded inner pocket with adapted shape your smartphone is optimally stowed, without pinching. 


The zip.lock on each of the two pockets offer additional security for your personal items.






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